Dorkbot SoCal 49

Atwater Crossing
3245 Casitas Ave, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 90039
April 22, 2012
________ _______ ________ ______ __________ _______ ________
 ___  __ \__  __ \___  __ \___  //_/___  __ )__  __ \___  __/
 __  / / /_  / / /__  /_/ /__  ,<   __  __  |_  / / /__  /
 _  /_/ / / /_/ / _  _, _/ _  /| |  _  /_/ / / /_/ / _  /
 /_____/  \____/  /_/ |_|  /_/ |_|  /_____/  \____/  /_/
                               _______________ ________________ ______
           LOS ANGELES         __  ___/__  __ \__  ____/___    |___  /
          PASADENA             _____ \ _  / / /_  /     __  /| |__  /
         ORANGE COUNTY         ____/ / / /_/ / / /___   _  ___ |_  /___
        SAN DIEGO              /____/  \____/  \____/   /_/  |_|/_____/       

people doing strange things with electricity, mostly in Los Angeles 

***** Sunday, April 22, 2012
***** 2:00pm
***** ATX Stage (near ATX Kitchen)
***** Atwater Crossing
***** 3245 Casitas Ave
***** Los Angeles, CA 90039

Chris will talk about the DIYLILCNC project, an open source set of plans for a low-cost, easy-to-build robotic fabricator. Specific topics will include: crowdfunded hardware development; the upcoming release of version DIYLILCNC v2.0–aka the BigShoulder; an in-progress software development project aimed at fostering open-source physical design & hacking collaborations.

The main goals of dorkbot are: to create an informal, friendly environment in which people can talk about the work they’re doing and to foster discussion about that work; to help bring together people from different backgrounds who are interested in similar things; to give us all an opportunity to see the strange things our neighbors are doing with electricity. dorkbot isn’t really a forum for formal artist talks or lectures, but rather a chance for diverse people to have friendly conversations about interesting ideas.

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